Monthly Predictions for 2006

During the following chapters we will determine monthly predictions according to information from the Judgment Scene, Signs and Planetary cycles. This information will be recorded to reveal the influences of Sun, Moon, Planets and Star Systems. Through the past studies over the years I have been studying how Astrology cycles affect Earth on a macrocosmic scale of 25920.00 years, 2160 years, 180 years, down to the Microcosmic years of 15 years, 1.25 years, yearly, monthly and daily. As this is not fully understood at this stage, continual research and study is required, so the following records for each month will be kept for future reference to further refine the astrological influences with understanding past experiences, current knowledge and future mathematical calculations in regards to time and space which is based on information from the Judgement Scene. Please Note: The future predictions according to the mathematical calculations of time and space in relation to the Judgement scene will be formed from a theory initially and later confirmed with past trends and current news, I am very open to others opinions on this and you are welcome to post a note in the comments box below. Ultimately the whole intention is to understand further the Judgement scene, by revealing the hidden secrets based on science, mysticism and nature, to unlock the Mysteries and Wisdom from the Ancient designers, the Egyptians. The purpose of this is to transcend Judgement with understanding "not fear" to realise that divinity is in all nature, planets, stars and systems working together which is then communicated to you through the Ancient Eyes of Horus, the Right Eye representing the Sun and the Left Eye the Moon, this information is then channelled through the Four Sons of Horus whom are the guardians of the four Directions to unite Middle - Time and the Upper and Lower Kingdom's. The information is designed to bring forth Divine revelation to cut through all the confusion and chaos created by Set, whose ambition during the battle with Horus was to keep the Upper Kingdom (Heaven) and Lower Kingdom (Underworld) divided and in chaos.
Click on this link > [The Legend of Osiris] about the Great Battle between Horus and Set, Good and Evil, when Osiris was murdered by Set out of envy and Isis wife of Osiris then gave birth to Horus, Son of Osiris, avenger of his Fathers death, restorer of Peace to the balance of Maat, to re-unite the Middle - Kingdom, Heaven on Earth.
Quotes from Keeper of Genesis
The entire world, which lies below, has been set in order and filled with the contents by the things which are placed above; the things below have not the power to set in order the world above. The weaker mysteries must yield to the stronger; and the system of things on high is stronger than the things below.
The protector is the Star-God...thy soul passeth on... thy body is equipped with power...The doors of the hidden land are open before thee...Osiris, conqueror of millions of years, cometh unto thee...
' Hermetic' writings express the philosophy 'as above, so below' and advocate the drawing down to earth of cosmic powers as an essential step in mankind's quest for knowledge of the divine and immortality of the soul: 'And I, said Hermes, will make Mankind intelligent, I will confer wisdom on them, and make known to them the truth. I will never cease to benefit thereby the life of mortal men; and then will I benefit each one of them, when the force of nature working in him is in accord with movement of the stars above.

Note: More attention will be given to predictions during the Moon Cycles each month in relation to Vedic calculations, Egyptian Deities and Symbols characterising the Western Signs. Included also will be other research gathered from personal studies. This information can be found on the previous link: "Judgement Scene and Astrology - Part 4". The revelations presented during the Moon phases are important issues being communicated to Earth, in relation to the Sun Sign for the month and for the Sign the Moon is in during each quarter. For more information on the different Moon phases see link: "Venus and Moon Phases - Part 5". The communication being conveyed at each Moon phase is when the Moon passes one of the four directions (Four Sons of Horus) each quarter, every month; this brings about predictable events with taking the Sun and Moon signs into consideration (Horus), to reveal Divine message's that should be heeded if we are to understand our Universe and it's communication. Further information on other predictable events besides the Moon Cycles may come up time to time and will also be displayed and recorded on this blog. Feel free to book mark this page to keep updated on further information presented in the near future or to share any information that may assist with further research.
Log Start Date: 3rd June 2006
June 3, 2006 /// First Quarter Moon 7:06 P.M. EDT
Sun Sign in Isis / Taurus - Money, Possessions, Earning ability, Resources.
Moon Sign in Annubis / Virgo - Medical, Health, Work, Service.
( Revelation ): UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has accused some countries of putting their "heads in the sand" in failing to spell out the truth about Aids.It also recognises the fight against the disease will cost $23bn (£12bn) by 2010, but does not specify how this will be raised.[Click Here for Link]
June 3, 2006 /// Moon at apogee The point in the Moon's orbit when it is farthest from Earth.
June 7, 2006 /// Spica 0.1° south of Moon, occultation
June 8, 2006 /// Jupiter 5° north of Moon
June 10, 2006 /// Antares 0.1° north of Moon, occultation An occultation occurs when one object passes in front of a smaller one, temporarily obscuring all or part of the background object from view.

June 11, 2006 /// Full Moon 2:03 P.M. EDT
Sun Sign Two Pillars /Gemini - Communication, Brothers & Sisters, Relations.
Moon Sign Thoth / Sagittarius - Freedom, Education, Culture, Travel
(Revelation 1)
Madrid marchers reject Eta talks: At least 200,000 march in Spain against government plans to open talks with the Basque separatist group Eta. Euskadi Ta Azkatasuna, Eta, whose name stands for Basque Homeland and Freedom, first emerged in the 1960s as a student resistance movement bitterly opposed to General Franco's repressive military dictatorship. Under Franco the Basque language was banned, their distinctive culture suppressed, and intellectuals imprisoned and tortured for their political and cultural beliefs. [Click Here for Link]
(Revelation 2)
The Spectacular opening for World Cup Soccer on the 9th of June coincides closely with the upcoming Full Moon on the 11th June, Full Moons are often depicted as the height of activity. Though as it was the opening was on the 9th of June with the Moon in Scorpio, which is a concern as this represents, Death, Sex, Scandal, Regeneration. It has been brought to light so far thousands of prostitutes would attempt to be smuggled into the Country as most participants to the World Cup are Men. Though the major concern is the Death and the concern that terrorists could possibly use the World Cup as a ploy to plot. Has the seed been mistakenly planted ??? I guess if any event is triggered from this it could be possibly be before the New Moon on the 25th whilst in Taurus. Lets hope not and Pray!
[Click Here for Link]
June 15, 2006 /// Neptune 3° north of Moon
June 16, 2006 /// Moon at perigee The point in the Moon's orbit when it is nearest to Earth.
June 16, 2006 /// Pluto at opposition Opposition occurs when a planet farther from the Sun than Earth appears opposite the Sun in the sky. It is the best time to observe a planet.
June 17, 2006 /// Uranus 0.6° north of Moon, occultation
Opposition occurs when a planet farther from the Sun than Earth appears opposite the Sun in the sky. It is the best time to observe a planet.
June 17, 2006 /// Mars 0.6° north of Saturn
June 18, 2006 /// Last Quarter Moon - 10:08 A.M. EDT
Sun Sign Two Pillars /Gemini - Communication, Brothers & Sisters, Relations
Moon Sign Osiris / Pisces - Compassion, Sympathetic, Gentleness, Enigmatic.
(Revelation 1)
Bolivia unveils anti-poverty plan: The government announces a radical plan to reduce poverty and create employment in Bolivia. [Click Here for Link]
(Revelation 2)
Japan defeated in new whaling bid: Japan fails to win a vote to allow some of its coastal communities to hunt minke whales for local use. [Click Here for Link]
June 19, 2006 /// Uranus stationary The body appears motionless in the sky due to the turning point between its direct and retrograde motion.
June 20, 2006 /// Mercury at greatest eastern elongation (25°) Elongation is the apparent angular separation of an object from the Sun.
June 20, 2006 /// Mercury 6° south of Pollux
June 21, 2006 /// Summer solstice 8:26 A.M. EDT
June 22, 2006 /// Venus 6° south of Moon
June 25, 2006 /// New Moon - Doorway / Gemini 12:37 P.M. EDT
June 25, 2006 /// Mars at aphelion The point in Mars' orbit when it is farthest from the Sun.
June 26, 2006 /// Ceres stationary The body appears motionless in the sky due to the turning point between its direct and retrograde motion.
June 27, 2006 /// Mercury 5° south of Moon
June 28, 2006 /// Saturn 3° south of Moon
June 28, 2006 /// Vesta 0.2° north of Moon
June 28, 2006 /// Mars 2° south of Moon
July 1, 2006 /// Moon at apogee The point in the Moon's orbit when it is farthest from Earth.
July 1, 2006 /// Pallas at opposition Opposition occurs when a body farther from the Sun than Earth appears opposite the Sun in the sky. It is the best time to observe the body.
July 2, 2006 /// Venus 4° north of Aldebaran
July 3, 2006 /// Mercury stationary
July 3, 2006 /// Earth at aphelion
July 3, 2006 /// First Quarter Moon - Scales of Maat / Libra 12:37 P.M. EDT
July 4, 2006 /// Spica 0.1° north of Moon, occultation An occultation occurs when one object passes in front of a smaller one, temporarily obscuring all or part of the background object from view.
July 5, 2006 /// Jupiter 5° north of Moon
July 6, 2006 /// Jupiter stationary. The body appears motionless in the sky due to the turning point between its direct and retrograde motion.
July 8, 2006 /// Antares 0.2° north of Moon, occultation An occultation occurs when one object passes in front of a smaller one, temporarily obscuring all or part of the background object from view.
June 7, 2006 /// Spica 0.1° south of Moon, occultation
June 8, 2006 /// Jupiter 5° north of Moon
June 10, 2006 /// Antares 0.1° north of Moon, occultation An occultation occurs when one object passes in front of a smaller one, temporarily obscuring all or part of the background object from view.

June 11, 2006 /// Full Moon 2:03 P.M. EDT
Sun Sign Two Pillars /Gemini - Communication, Brothers & Sisters, Relations.
Moon Sign Thoth / Sagittarius - Freedom, Education, Culture, Travel
(Revelation 1)
Madrid marchers reject Eta talks: At least 200,000 march in Spain against government plans to open talks with the Basque separatist group Eta. Euskadi Ta Azkatasuna, Eta, whose name stands for Basque Homeland and Freedom, first emerged in the 1960s as a student resistance movement bitterly opposed to General Franco's repressive military dictatorship. Under Franco the Basque language was banned, their distinctive culture suppressed, and intellectuals imprisoned and tortured for their political and cultural beliefs. [Click Here for Link]
(Revelation 2)
The Spectacular opening for World Cup Soccer on the 9th of June coincides closely with the upcoming Full Moon on the 11th June, Full Moons are often depicted as the height of activity. Though as it was the opening was on the 9th of June with the Moon in Scorpio, which is a concern as this represents, Death, Sex, Scandal, Regeneration. It has been brought to light so far thousands of prostitutes would attempt to be smuggled into the Country as most participants to the World Cup are Men. Though the major concern is the Death and the concern that terrorists could possibly use the World Cup as a ploy to plot. Has the seed been mistakenly planted ??? I guess if any event is triggered from this it could be possibly be before the New Moon on the 25th whilst in Taurus. Lets hope not and Pray!
[Click Here for Link]
June 15, 2006 /// Neptune 3° north of Moon
June 16, 2006 /// Moon at perigee The point in the Moon's orbit when it is nearest to Earth.
June 16, 2006 /// Pluto at opposition Opposition occurs when a planet farther from the Sun than Earth appears opposite the Sun in the sky. It is the best time to observe a planet.
June 17, 2006 /// Uranus 0.6° north of Moon, occultation
Opposition occurs when a planet farther from the Sun than Earth appears opposite the Sun in the sky. It is the best time to observe a planet.
June 17, 2006 /// Mars 0.6° north of Saturn
June 18, 2006 /// Last Quarter Moon - 10:08 A.M. EDT
Sun Sign Two Pillars /Gemini - Communication, Brothers & Sisters, Relations
Moon Sign Osiris / Pisces - Compassion, Sympathetic, Gentleness, Enigmatic.
(Revelation 1)
Bolivia unveils anti-poverty plan: The government announces a radical plan to reduce poverty and create employment in Bolivia. [Click Here for Link]
(Revelation 2)
Japan defeated in new whaling bid: Japan fails to win a vote to allow some of its coastal communities to hunt minke whales for local use. [Click Here for Link]
June 19, 2006 /// Uranus stationary The body appears motionless in the sky due to the turning point between its direct and retrograde motion.
June 20, 2006 /// Mercury at greatest eastern elongation (25°) Elongation is the apparent angular separation of an object from the Sun.
June 20, 2006 /// Mercury 6° south of Pollux
June 21, 2006 /// Summer solstice 8:26 A.M. EDT
June 22, 2006 /// Venus 6° south of Moon
June 25, 2006 /// New Moon - Doorway / Gemini 12:37 P.M. EDT
June 25, 2006 /// Mars at aphelion The point in Mars' orbit when it is farthest from the Sun.
June 26, 2006 /// Ceres stationary The body appears motionless in the sky due to the turning point between its direct and retrograde motion.
June 27, 2006 /// Mercury 5° south of Moon
June 28, 2006 /// Saturn 3° south of Moon
June 28, 2006 /// Vesta 0.2° north of Moon
June 28, 2006 /// Mars 2° south of Moon
July 1, 2006 /// Moon at apogee The point in the Moon's orbit when it is farthest from Earth.
July 1, 2006 /// Pallas at opposition Opposition occurs when a body farther from the Sun than Earth appears opposite the Sun in the sky. It is the best time to observe the body.
July 2, 2006 /// Venus 4° north of Aldebaran
July 3, 2006 /// Mercury stationary
July 3, 2006 /// Earth at aphelion
July 3, 2006 /// First Quarter Moon - Scales of Maat / Libra 12:37 P.M. EDT
July 4, 2006 /// Spica 0.1° north of Moon, occultation An occultation occurs when one object passes in front of a smaller one, temporarily obscuring all or part of the background object from view.
July 5, 2006 /// Jupiter 5° north of Moon
July 6, 2006 /// Jupiter stationary. The body appears motionless in the sky due to the turning point between its direct and retrograde motion.
July 8, 2006 /// Antares 0.2° north of Moon, occultation An occultation occurs when one object passes in front of a smaller one, temporarily obscuring all or part of the background object from view.